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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Bhinneka Tunggak Ika

"BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA " / "Unity in Diversity"

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika / Unity in Diversity "said the book Sutasoma means" In the diversity of life is one ". Not only human life but also the entire life of this universe.
Problems of life is a unity, no matter how different the man who one another, no matter how the conflict between humans, basically they are a member of a large keluargayang, namely humanity. And no matter how different the man with the animals and plants basically they are God's creatures too. No matter how different the man with nature, padadasarnya merekaadalah also God's creation. In the end all of life's brakhir the Lord, because he also comes from God.
The realization that life comes from God raises awareness of others, namely, that God who determines all things. God determines life and death of man and God determines human life journey. God who determines the place, function and duties of man in this world. God who determines the fate of humans, and humans could not possibly change his fate without the will of God. Through His will is expressed in the law of God, God has defined procedures for the whole cosmos of His creatures. Tata komos it can not be changed. The fate of human life puppets that were written in a large book of which only the bias seen by the executive command of God.

Humans are born different themes but in humans the difference is still one, outlining the basic human problems sebaagai social creatures. This issue is how people can place themselves in a place that has been determined by God, how humans function and fulfill their duties berdasarkankan that function. Human social tasks include the task of "beautify" the State, nation and humanity in general which, according puppet mawayu hayuning doctrine outlined in the service, mawayu hayuning nation, mawayu hayuning bawana. In order to "beautify" the State, nation and the world's most important is the human task is to combat crime, which is taught in courses sura dira jayaningrat Dening pangastuti melting.
What do humans only occupy a designated place and perform its functions according to his own nature. Brahmin / scholars serve as spiritual leader of his nation. The knights of the people and a pinata protective function of government. Traders work provides the basic needs of the people and workers to function providers. Only in this way the public good, which is a form of governance micro cosmos, can be maintained. A balance of good society, which also balances the cosmic order, occurs when each man occupies a designated place and performs its function according to its position in masyarakat. Criteria for good or bad actions of a person is determined whether or not it occupies its place and run this function. In the story mahabaratha "a knight who succeed as a trader, not a good warrior. Instead of performing its function as a warrior knight, no matter how low his rank, or how friendly their duties, was a good knight. Only in an emergency people should perform its functions. For example in the puppet, in a moment of Bima, after gaining a science of exceptional importance for humanity felt called to teach science to the people. So for a while Bima act sbagai priest (the play "Bima Holy"). Parashara contrary, a pastor at some point have to assume that office for a while, then he left again, because of his vocation as a pastor more important than a call to live as a king.

Finally, the theme that human life is controlled and regulated by the Lord outlines the basic human problem as a creature of God. This teaching courses in puppet called Gusti Kawulo Gusti. To be united with God's people must understand the nature of life, the origins of life and what is the purpose of life. In the course of this puppet called sangkan paraning dumadi. Life comes from God and will return to Him. And who taught me how humans can achieve perfection in life, as personal, social beings and as God's creatures. Basic teachings of the puppet is the most central doctrine of the perfection of life called kasampurnaning ngagesang.

(Ethical Values DalamWayang - Dr. Hazim Amir, MA) 

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